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AQUA 55UV - Monthly Soft Contact Lenses (3 pcs.)
OXY - Monthly Soft Contact Lenses (3 pcs.)
The hallmark of INTEROJO contact lenses is the clinically correct fit on the cornea. Experienced practitioners know that no matter how excellent the technical characteristics of a lens are, its fit and behavior on the cornea plays a crucial role.
Among the many other great features of INTEROJO lenses is that they are all manufactured with HD (High Definition) technology, which ensures high clarity of vision.
HD contact lenses, unlike other aspheric lenses, have a perfect aspheric curvature for each diopter and thickness and compensate for deviations caused by lens deformations on the eye during blinking and eyelid pressure. This leads to better visual acuity at all distances, as well as increased depth of field, reduced astigmatism and improved contrast sensitivity, providing sharper, clearer vision.
Another important advantage is the presence of a UV filter in INTEROJO lenses, which protects your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation that can provoke dangerous medical diseases.
HD contact lenses from the world-famous manufacturer INTEROJO are an excellent choice for patients with astigmatism, early degrees of presbyopia and for anyone who wants to see better.