Meet the hot summer with new glasses 🔥.

Photochromic eyeglass lenses (chameleons) are lenses that change color in sunlight.

How does it work?
These lenses remain transparent while you are in the room.
On the street, photochromes darken and turn into sunscreen.

😎 Photochromic molecules located in the middle of the lens or on its surface absorb ultraviolet waves and thus change their color.
❗️Варіанти color choice: gray or brown.

What is the effect of such glasses?
▫️Корекція vision
▫️Захист from ultraviolet radiation

🎁 Optics PRO gives a -30% discount on glasses with photochromic lenses
Attention: the offer is valid only until 07/31/23

Want to buy glasses at a discount?
We are waiting for you today at Optika PRO in our city.

✅ We work seven days a week.