Our eyes are amazing and at the same time one of the most complex organs!
We receive more than 80% of information about the environment thanks to our eyes, but this is not all that our eyes can do ✅
We bet you didn't know these facts about vision, did you?
▫️Наші eyes are constantly moving. We make more than 100,000 eye movements a day.
▫️Усі people are born with blue eyes. It is only through the interaction of light with the pigment contained in the iris that the final color of the eyes appears.
There is even a laser procedure that allows you to turn brown eyes into blue ones forever ✅
▫️ Our fingerprints have 40 unique characteristics, while the iris has 256.
That is why retinal scanning is used for safety reasons.
May our eyes always be healthy so that we can enjoy the beauty of the world around us.